This blog is my collection of photos and videos of elevators.

Each elevator is given a speed.

Very Slow - less than 100 feet per minute

Slow - 100 to 199 feet per minute

Medium - 200 to 299 feet per minute

Fast - 300 to 699 feet per minute

Very Fast - 700 to 999 feet per minute

High Speed - more than 999 feet per minute

Monday, October 12, 2020

Banner University Medical Center Tucson AZ

Tower 1 Elevators

Speed: Fast (500 FPM)

Power: MRL Traction

1 - reception pharmacy and gift shoppe
2 - cafeteria and access to other parts of this hospital
3 - wards
4 - wards meditation and access to other parts of this hospital
5 - wards
6 - wards
7 - wards
8 - wards
9 - wards

Type: Otis Gen2 (Newer Series 2)

Capacity: 3500 LBS

Tower 2 Main Elevators

Speed: Fast (500 FPM)

Power: MRL Traction

1 - emergency room
2 - childrens lobby and access to other parts of this hospital
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital
5 - wards
6 - wards

Type: ThyssenKrupp Synergy

Capacity: 3000 LBS

Tower 2 Bed Elevators

Speed: Fast (500 FPM)

Power: MRL Traction

1 - emergency room
1R - service area
2 - wards
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital
5 - wards
6 - wards
R - roof (only one separate elevator from this bank goes there)
H - helicopter pad (only one separate elevator from this bank goes there)

Type: ThyssenKrupp Synergy

Capacity: 5000 LBS

Tower 2 Service Elevator

Speed: Fast (450 FPM)

Power: Geared Traction

1 - emergency room
1R - service area
2 - wards
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital
5 - wards
6 - wards
H - helicopter pad

Type: ThyssenKrupp Elevator

Capacity: 10000 LBS (that's huge!!!)

Tower 3 Main Elevators

Speed: Fast (350 FPM)

Power: Geared Traction

B - basement
1 - emergency room
2 - wards security and access to other parts of this hospital
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital

Type: Montgomery Elevator (w/ Innovation Universal fixtures)

Capacity: 4500 LBS

Tower 3 Service Elevators

Speed: Fast (350 FPM)

Power: Geared Traction

B - basement
1 - emergency room
2 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital

Type: Montgomery Elevator (w/ Innovation Universal fixtures)

Capacity: 7000 LBS (that's huge!!!)

Tower 4 Elevators

Speed: Fast (500 FPM)

Power: Gearless Traction

B - basement
1 - emergency
2 - old lobby
3 - wards
4 - wards and access to other parts of this hospital
5 - wards
6 - wards
7 - wards
8 - wards

Type: Adams Survivor Plus/Classic

Capacity: 3000 LBS for one half, and 4500 LBS for the other half

Staff Garage Elevators

Speed: Fast (350 FPM)

Power: MRL Traction

1 - parking garage and street exit
2 - parking garage
3 - parking garage
4 - parking garage
5 - parking garage
6 - parking garage

Type: Kone KSS 500

Capacity: 3500 LBS

Visitor Garage Elevators

Speed: Slow

Power: Hydraulic

1 - parking garage
2 - parking garage
3 - parking garage and access to hospital
4 - parking garage

Type: Adams Survivor

Capacity: 2500 LBS

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Varsity Clubs of America Suite Hotel Tucson AZ

Speed: Slow

Power: Hydraulic

1 - lobby rooms gameroom pool ect
2 - rooms
3 - rooms

Type: Schindler MT 300A


2919 East Broadway Boulevard Tucson AZ

Speed: Slow

Power: Hydraulic

G - atrium and offices
1 - offices
2 - offices

Type: Hotchkiss Elevator

2819 East Broadway Boulevard Tucson AZ

Speed: Slow

Power: Hydraulic

1 - street exit and offices
2 - mezzanine and offices

Type: Older Otis Series 1


2730 East Broadway Boulevard Tucson AZ

Speed: Slow

Power: Geared Traction

1 - street exit and offices
2 - mezzanine and offices

Type: Hotchkiss Elevator

2525 East Broadway Boulevard Tucson AZ

Speed: Slow

Power: Hydraulic

1 - lobby and offices
2 - offices

Type: US Circle Button Elevator


Oliv Tucson AZ


This is a brand new student housing center that shares its parking garage with the brand new graduate hotel. It has some very unique thyssenkrupp elevators

Speed: Fast (350 FPM)

Power: MRL Traction


B - basement

1 - lobby

1R - service area (only one of the elevators go there)

2 - student housing

3 - student housing

4 - student housing

5 - student housing

6 - student housing

7 - student housing 

8 - student housing

9 - student housing

10 - student housing

11 - student housing

12 - student housing

13 - student housing

14 - student housing

R - roof top

Type: ThyssenKrupp Evolution 200