Parking Garage Elevators
Speed: Fast
Power: Geared Traction
L - lobby
R - restaurant
3 - parking garage 3
4 - parking garage 4
5 - parking garage 5
6 - parking garage 6
7 - staff only
Type: Dover Computamatic w/ Impulse Fixtures (modernized by ThyssenKrupp)
Main Elevators
Speed: Very Fast
Power: Gear-less Traction
T - scary tunnel (only one of the elevators goes there)
LR - riverwalk (only one of the elevators goes there)
L - lobby
R - restaurant
RR - service area (only one of the elevators goes there)
7 - pool and fitness center
8 - rooms
9 - rooms
10 - rooms
11 - rooms
12 - rooms
14 - rooms
15 - rooms
16 - rooms
17 - rooms
18 - rooms
19 - rooms
20 - rooms
21 - rooms
22 - rooms
23 - rooms
Type: Dover Computamatic w/ Impulse Fixtures (modernized by Kone w/Innovation Prestige Fixtures)